Organizations defending the Separation of Church and State, fighting Christian Nationalism
People around the country and around the world are mobilizing to face the threat to democracy and decency posed by Christian Nationalism, and to defend the idea that governments and religions should stay out of each other’s business.
Here are some of the organizations I know that are in the fight. If you know others, please mention them in the comments.
Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (A wonderful organization of which I am a member. They fight through the courts, lobbying, and public outreach.)
Christians Against Christian Nationalism (founded by the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty) (Christian Nationalists have a plan called The Blitz which is a playbook for inserting Christian Nationalism into American culture, politics, and government. BlitzWatch keeps tabs on this movement.)
Center for Inquiry (“strives to foster a secular society based on reason, science, freedom of inquiry, and humanist values”; I am a member)
Freedom From Religion Foundation (A wonderful organization of which I am a member. They fight through the courts, lobbying, and public outreach.)
American Progress (supporting religious liberty is part of their activities)
The American Civil Liberties Union (supporting religious liberty is part of their activities)
PRRI is a non-partisan research group. This report of theirs about Christian Nationalism is illuminating.
This group in the UK shares many of the same values, with a particular goal of the disestablishment of the Church of England to create a secular republic there: The National Secular Society
Beware that there are many organizations that say they defend “religious freedom,” but what they really pursue is the freedom to impose their (conservative Christian) moral views on the country. This is the kind of Christian Nationalist propaganda we are fighting. Read websites on this topic carefully, and pay attention to which side of recent court cases they support.